Essentials on Growing a Great Organic Garden

Post 68 of 93

Organic gardening has become very popular and successful; everyone is interested in eating healthy and staying in shape, so organic fruits and vegetables are the best choice people can make. There are many advantages to growing your own organic garden, and more and more people realize the benefits of such an activity.

For many, it is a relaxing hobby, that helps them unwind after the hard days at work. It is also a very healthy and productive activity; besides the obvious fact that you manage to do a little exercise on your own backyard, you would also manage to grow healthy plants which will help you and your family stay healthy.

Another aspect is the money you will manage to save; organic food is usually somewhat expensive, because of the fact that fruits and vegetables are usually brought in from distant locations.

This means that they cost more money and they take up more resources (since they need to be transported, so there's a lot of fuel involved); they are sometimes brought in a frozen state, so that they would not get deteriorated from the long transport period. If you grow them yourself, you will always have fresh fruits and vegetables and you could eat healthy whenever you want to.

When you are considering planting your own organic food, you should know that one of the key aspects is the soil you have in your backyard. That is very important, because some plants need a certain kind of soil, and they also require specific amounts of nutrients, sunlight and watering.

It is essential to know all this before you decide on what kind of plants you are going to grow. With regards to gardening, it is important that you have a plan and know which plants match the soil you have. You need to plant matching plants in terms of watering and fertilizing, otherwise you risk flooding some or under-fertilizing others and so on.

You should use natural fertilizers, such as compost or manure, in order to improve the level of nutritious components in your soil. This will give your plants an extra help. Each season, you should add 2 or 3 inches of fresh mulch to the soil; this will give your plants the nutrients they require for growth.

Besides being great for fertilizing, mulch also drains out water and preserves the soil safe from excessive rainwater. However, you must make sure the mulch does not enter into contact with the roots of the plants, because if it does, then the plants will rot and all your work will have been in vain.

This article was written by admin